Friday, November 5, 2010

He eats people. Like, devours them.

There's been a lot of praise lavished on rookie Ndamukong Suh this year (deservedly so), in addition to the commendations for Kyle Vanden Bosch (what a motor on this guy, ehhhh?). The secondary has even been getting props lately, but there's one player on D who has absolutely been annihilating every matchup in every game.

Ladies and gentlemen, Corey Williams is a vicious cannibal who is eating offensive lines like fat kids beasting their birfday cakes. I've had the blessing/curse-like-AIDS of watching the Lions for about 15 years now (I watched games casually for the '93 and '94 seasons, but that was Barry Watching. I didn't really give a crap about the rest of the team. I also think I was more into the statistics than the actual game performance...meh. Flargh. Whatevs), and I've seen Robert Porcher, Luther Elliss, and Shaun Rogers play some stellar d-line. I've also had to watch the Williamses and John Randle from Minnesota, Gilbert Brown and Reggie White from Green Bay, and Corey Williams is playing at nearly as high a level as all them fellas.

Watching the games this season, especially focusing in on the line play, you can see the sheer power this guy has. Williams has a 27-yard INT return and a sack, but those don't tell half the story. The offensive lineman focus on him and Suh, trying desperately to corral this human avalanche, and it enables the ends to focus on one-on-one matchups. And God help the O-lineman who thinks he can take Williams in a solo showdown.

To be honest Suh, Vanden Bosch, Avril, or anyone else wouldn't be nearly as effective without Williams blowing holes and creating absurd mismatches. Mayhew absolutely robbed the Browns and solidified one of the top 3 defensive lines in the league. Look for amazing battles in the trenches this week against a Jets offensive line that is nearly impenetrable (they're making the corpse of LaDainian Tomlinson look spry for Pete's sake).


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