Sunday, November 14, 2010


Right now, with about 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter, the Lions look absolutely horrible.

I have no idea what's going on, nor do I have any theories to throw out. They Lions are just playing like they've given up. Going into this game, no one in the state of Michigan thought this game would be a freebie; Buffalo has gone down swinging in each of their games, probably the beneficiaries of worse luck than the Lions. They really should have a couple wins. And now?

Now the Lions are working on letting a winless team get their first win against them for the second year in a row.

The plus side right now (the silver lining on the giant steaming pile of turds) is that the offensive line is finally being exposed. For weeks now people have been saying, "'Y'know, they've been playing pretty good!" Which is a mirage. Just because we've been watching really, REALLY crappy line play for the last decade doesn't mean that watching a decent line makes it tremendous. Think about it this way: The Bills are getting pretty good production out of Ryan Fitzpatrick. Do you think they'll pass on Andrew Luck in the draft because of that?

Rob Sims is pretty good. Cherilus is alright. The rest top out at average. They take stupid penalties. And now, against the team that is dead last against the run, they can't open any lanes or push the Bills' D-Line around. That doesn't even factor into the fact that the Lions' QB's have been mightily injured behind this same line for about two years now. Pathetic.

This game is so frustrating.

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